Art of body painting almost as old as man himself. Almost every nation has a culture and tradition of tattooing as a form of self-identity and existence.
Yant Sak is a Thai traditional tattoo art tradition that is old age. Any depiction of tattooing has its own story to the maker and wearer. Tattoos Sak yant have souls for the wearer.
Thai traditional tattoo is also called "sacred bark". Sak yant look at the body of a man on the page CNNGO, Friday (24 / 6). The ink is painted on his body describing a dramatic effect on monochromatic image "Spirit Tattoos Thailand". Tattoos whose strength has a reference as to the wisdom of ancient cartography.
The skin of the wearer has been transformed into a magical canvas, a manifestation of his faith. Yant Sak has a geometric pattern interspersed with ancient manuscripts, the symbol of Buddha, Hindu gods, celestial beings and the animal world. All were woven into ancient codex that is designed to protect the wearer from accidents, misfortune and evil. So yant Sak is the incorporation of all beliefs of different religions and esoteric.
Sak yant came to Thailand from India the 4th century. At that time India was ruled by the Buddhist Emperor Asoka. He sent missionaries to spread the religion through the art of tattoo is believed to be mystical. The tattoo wearer believe that a bullet or a knife can not hurt them because Sak yant have a magical effect. But the owners of Sak yant also given a "discourse" of the tattoo master to obey the rules of life for efficacy Sak yant more pronounced.